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Guild History

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The Europa chapter of THB, was formed in mid February, 2001. We are a group of like minded individuals primarily in existence to Hire our professional skills to other people, who may not have the skills or knowledge necessary to complete Their own treasure Hunts, Fees vary from hunter to hunter, so if you want to hire a guild member, go here to find out how the individual guild members skills would help and enhance your treasure hunt.

Originally we were part of the Shard wide THB, but due to differences in opinions the guild split On the 1st of July 2001) and now THB(Europa) is a stand alone guild with no association with any other guild.

In October 2001, the  Guild Charter underwent radical changes, THB(Europa) started to accept a new class, Mercenaries, which were designed to protect Treasure Hunters from the ravages of anti social players as well as introducing guild levies to boost funds.

The guild has a guild house located north east of Minoc ( Felluca ), in a quiet area near the coast, it is furnished with a full set of treasure spot rune books, and runes to various dungeons areas, where there are chests to improve lock picking skills and to gain riches once the chests are successfully unlocked and untrapped, there are also 200 + Gm made lockable chests to improve lower lvl lock picking skills.

If you are interested in joining the Guild, Please go here to read the Guild charter,  we do  accept warriors , mages etc, but they will be under the Mercenary section, Then fill out this form with your details, and you will be contacted.

If you are a Guild Master/Mistress and you are interested in merging, contact the THB (Europa) guild mistress.

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