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Guild Officers





Events Organizer Joint


Events Organizer Joint

Sister Mary

Loot Organizer

Sister Mary

Fund Raiser

Job Vacancy apply to Plumbellina


Thoradall ( Provisional stone )

Job Descriptions

The post of Membership Officer involves, talking to new prospective applicants and building up the guild  and basically organizing the time and place of meeting with the GM for putting on stone etc, providing runes to the house and giving them all the info (web, forum addresses etc) and generally making non guild  players aware of our existence, he will also be responsible for up keeping a provisional stone and collecting guild fees.

The post of Treasurer  involves, Collecting funds from the Fund raising officer and Loot organizer Keeping track and records of all guild funds, property etc and providing records of the same to the GM at periods arranged.

The posts of Event Organizers, is split between two members because it takes a lot of time, patience and on line time and it involves the organization of events, hunts, training sessions etc, the idea is to keep members in touch with each other and prevent the guild becoming too fragmented. 

The post of Fund raiser  involves, liaising with the event organizers to organize fund raising events such as dungeon crawls, T hunts and any other events to raise guild funds, funds raised should be passed to the treasurer.

The post of Loot organizer involves keeping and maintaining a vendor or vendors and selling such items that are either donated or dug, on the vendor or on auction, to raise guild funds, funds raised should be passed to the treasurer.     It is also his reasonability to ensure that other members know that he exists and to solicit such loot that they don't want.