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The Mercenary Charter

The Mercenary Creed

I shall be loyal to my guild and those within. (If you loot a fallen comrade, then do return their gear, failure to do so will result in expulsion)

I shall act with Honour, be True and just, during the execution of my duties, (Don't take on a solo job, if you think you can't handle it, ask another Mercenary to go with you, there is no use you and your employer dieing as you can't handle the spawn, know your limits.)

I shall do my job no more no less. (If your hired JUST to kill spawns/protect employer do that, don't take treasure from chest/carry gear unless hired to do that.)

I shall honour my kills.  (You are hired to kill the spawns, so the loot from spawns is yours. e.g. you kill a LL on a lvl 5 you get a map {please hand all maps into guild for our guild hunts, & collect all unwanted loot to sell for guild funds} and Gold, the monster spawn loot is yours, the employer has rights to the chest, you killed the monster that is yours.)

I am a protector a bodyguard a hired fighter, NOT a hired killer.  (If a blue griefer is stealing from the chest and the client asks you to kill the griefer, refuse.  We are mercenaries, not murderers, if there is a red or grey causing problems however feel free to kill them.)

I shall endeavour to uphold the guilds reputation at all times.  (Sorry but NO PvP or Pking, reds and PK's are not and never will be welcome in the guild, this is the LAW)

I shall respect and support my guild.  (There will soon be a guild vendor selling weapons and armour GM made for less than normal GM prices, all money made from sales goes to treasury, so please use it.)

I shall respect my Officers and my comrades . (This is self-evident, nobody likes to be insulted, sworn at or made to feel bad.  Have fun and have a joke with each other, just don't be mean spirited.  And if a CO (Commanding Officer) from the hunters or mercs asks you to attend a meeting/event, then please attend, or notify ASAP, if you can't make it.)

Monthly Fee's

Every month the Mercs will, same as the hunters pay money into the guild.  It is broken down as follows. 


Monthly guild fee

Green 2000gp
Sprog  4000gp
Grunt 6000gp
Veteran 8000gp
Elite 10000gp

 This is exactly the same as a t hunter of same rank would pay (if you have a t hunter in guild though you pay only for one not both) though we mercs have the advantage over them.  We are combat orientated, so 10k, is just 10 minutes work, in a dungeon, or an hour killing those nice new lovely golems and controllers, plus the arcane suits sell for 10k a full set.......

The benefits of being in the guild though far out way the cost, you get discounted goods, like weapons, armour (metal and leather) potions and poisons all GM made.  And you also get the satisfaction of knowing you are helping the guild to buy the tower we all want, and you have to put money into the guild in order to enjoy the privileges, of being a member.

Ranks of the Mercenaries

The Mercenaries will gain rank from jobs undertaken.  The following is the rank system and how a mercenary gains rank.

The ranks. All mercs start of as Green (regardless of whether you are a 7GM, or no GM you are Green) Green is a new mercenary not hired out before.

The next level is Sprog a Sprog has had some experience.

The next level is Grunt, a grunt is a experienced Mercenary.

The next Level is Veteran, Vets have proven themselves in many jobs.

The final rank is Elite  If you are Elite you have deserved the respect you will get, you have worked hard and proven yourself.

Gaining rank

All maps lvl 3/4 and above are rank able, lvl 1 and 2/3 are not valid for ranking.


Number of timers hired.

Green 0-5
Sprogs 6-10
Grunts 11-20
Veteran 21-30
ELITE 31-50

NOTE! Only officially Hired out guild jobs and guild events count, no non guild jobs count, sorry but it is too easy to say I did 10 lvl 4 maps last night I am a Grunt.  The ranks will be adjudicated by the Mercenary and Hunter leader, and all new mercenary promotions will be posted on forum.

Hiring fee's

Hiring fee's will be on the rank system, you might think this to be unfair, but those older members, who have made grunt or vet status and are not 7GM, are more deserving of there fee, than a 7GM green.  But remember all monster loot is for the mercenary to take, as long as he killed it, greys are not good on a hunt....



Donation to guild from completed job (fee and loot)

Green 100/200gp Optional
Sprogs 200/400gp Optional
Grunts 300/600gp 100/200gp
Veterans 500/1000gp 250/400gp
Elite 1000/1500gp 400/500gp

As you can see the higher the rank the more your worth, also the more we expect you to donate for the work found.  Don't be worried about thinking we are just out to make money of you though, as I have personally made 4k or more from the spawns....  so as you can see, you will be getting a fair bit of money.