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Guild Notices

Welcome Fellow guild members to the new and improved web site

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01/01/02 Happy new year to you all, as promised the guild stone has been cleansed of all but Plumbellina, if you would like to rejoin then please complete the joining form on the web site and reread the guild charter, members will be required to complete a one month probationary period, with the exception of the officers who will nominate themselves on the joining form and be required to carry out their duties correctly so if you don't want that responsibility don't volunteer


29/10/01 Thanks to sister Mary we now have a Forum   on Stratics, please remember , it is compulsory to register on the forum, anyone not registering by the end of November will be removed from the guild stone.


The Guild Charter has undergone radical changes, we are now accepting warriors etc, who will be known as Mercenaries, and are primarily required for the protection of Treasure Hunters and will be for hire.

Guild levies have been introduced Lvl 1 hunters are exempt but all others are required to pay 1k per capability (i.e. Lvl 3, 3k), per 2 weeks, this will be reviewed after a period.

Other minor changes are underway.

06/10/01 We now have a new Fund raiser Thorindall, he is  also wearing the event organizers hat for the time being so lets get out there and support him.
06/10/01 Made a bit of a balls up today, the forum was up and running and working fine, but due to uncontrollable urges, I tried to hack a few files and unfortunately the whole forum went down, so with due apologies can I ask you to re register after I have set it up again, sorry about your posts but, hey, tomorrow this will seem like a bad dream, :).
03/10/01 We have several new things today, first we have a new Forum, set up with much aggro, to show your appreciation post as much as possible, (this means YOU), go to the links page for the address, We have a new Membership organizer, Lufis,  we also have Sister Mary who is Loot organizer, go to the officers page to see a job description.
05/09/01 Sister Mary has generously set up an IRC channel and is starting a server for Auto map, if you want the details ICQ him (THB(E) members only please.
27/08/01 Well after a break of a few weeks for summer stuff, I'm back in UO.
17/07/01 All that rubbish you discard when you do a chest ( scrolls, weps, potions etc) might well be sold for the guild funds, please collect them and leave them in one of the chests in the guild house and Ill sell them, in fact anything you don't want leave in the chest and ill sell it.
02/07/01 I have un ashameably Borrowed/stolen parts of the THB(International) joining form and charter, because they have kicked us from the main guild is no reason to behave any differently from previously, with Decency, Honor and Honesty.


It seems in their Infinite wisdom, the powers that be in the high place known as THB, because the Gm has resigned, the entire Guild has been wiped from the face of Britannia, if you go here http://uo.stratics.com/thb/ and click on Members listings None of you exist anymore, however fear not, all is not lost, I will not abandon you my children, the good name of THB(Europa) will go on, without change or charter, If any of you feel that you cannot carry on under the present regime, I will understand, and there will be no hard feelings if you resign from the guild.

19/06/01 The fund raising drive is going well, now, go here Donations and Loans We have some very guild spirited people amongst us, and I thank them on behalf of the guild, and for their help, from me.

We now have a new forum location, go to the link page to check it out, the old forum will continue till the end of the month and then be deleted, so anyone who wants threads continued should transport them over as they cant be done automatically.

Hunta Killa and Alan Newbie have camped a IDOC  in tram and has very generously donated the  small tower that was the result to the guild Tower fund, many thanks to them for there efforts.

15/06/01 Well we now have a Tram T spot rune Library Courtesy of Maxfusion (ICQ 72577192, for those of you who want to buy one), who was selling T spot libraries for 150k but who donated it in return for a plug for his wares.  Which I thought was extremely generous of him, thank you max. It will be sited in Alan Newbies house in tram, I'll organize some runes in due course.

Eliot, has donate loads of lock picks for the use of the guild in lock picking practice, see me and I'll sort some out for you, thanks to Eliot.


Gull Lumber jack and Darren have taken on the job of events organizers, lets help them as much as possible.

We now have our own Trammel rune Library, I'll let you know where its going to be sited shortly.

The drive for guild funds for the new house has taken a turn for the worst, there have been none forthcoming for a while. hint hint.


Kaname Has volunteered for the treasurers job so lets have more volunteers for the other jobs


As you may have noticed, I have finally managed to get the THB abbreviation 


I'm looking for some officers, to help run the guild, i.e. 

1  A treasurer, to look after the guild funds.

2  An event organizer, to organize young (and not so young :0))T Seekers hunts.

3  Membership sec, to organize new members joining etc.

Any volunteers?


I'm thinking of creating a new Title for aspiring Seekers, we have had a fair number of applicants who have little or no experience, might even start a new stone, What's the feelings on this one, maybe have titles like apprentice seeker and have a vet member in charge of it, what do you think


A recently recruited guild member Gary, has contributed 24 t maps to the guild for training and guild funding, I humbly thank you, Gary, for your sterling efforts

01/04/01 Guild hunt Fri 30/03/01 :- Pretty shambolic, I did 6 maps on Fri., 3 on the guild hunt and 3 for a client, I died 3 times, all fatalities were on the guild hunt, Which proves to me one thing, some of us are not used to hunting in a party. (please read the hints & tips page).

I was talked into going on a hunt while not being fully prepared, bad mistake, I had no regs and no armor, even so I should have been safe with other professional t hunters in the party, my own fault but the lesson learned is ALWAYS BE PREPARED, when going on a hunt. This also means having all the necessary items for the the hunt, (see hints and tips). Don't come to the hunt and then realize you have no regs, this means the others have to wait around for you, or you may get left behind, get them before you arrive at the meeting place

Some members don't seem to have basic knowledge of the party system, the health bars can be used for healing (red button) and curing (green button), please use them to heal and cure your party members, also the party message system is handy for communicating, I agree its not ideal, but better than ICQ in this particular circumstance, put a forward slash in front of your text when you type a message to the party, this keeps it private and all party messages can be seen by all party members on or off screen, this also means you have to keep an eye on the bottom left of your screen.

Somehow or other despite doing 3 maps the guild funds did not get boosted, what happened to all the stuff/gps.

A note on griefers:- we were visited by Julia and some of her friends, who is a notorious griefers and ex pker, who stole a  map from Seeker, if some one turns up at the hunt the first thing to do is pick up the bag with the treasure, because this is primarily what they are after, even if its too heavy, just hold it till they are gone, don't get into a slanging match with them, its what they want, ignore them and go about your business, don't follow them begging for your map or whatever back, you wont get it, and don't issue meaning less threats we cant back up, we are t hunters and not in the revenge or pking business, just ignore them and eventually they will go away, if you are on hire don't join in an attack on notos, pkers or griefers, you have been hired to T hunt, (a handy tip, Plumbellina is fully equipped with newbie gear, so if she gets killed then at least she has the means to carry on the hunt after she is ressed), if you think the situation is getting out of hand recall back, (have a emergency uoassist rune in your pack).


There are atm 9 chars who wish to join the guild, which will take us up to 23 members, while not a huge guild it is becoming bigger.

I'm a little concern about the fragmentation of this guild, by its very nature we wont be living in each others pockets, but I had hoped to see more interaction between members, with this in mind there will be a meeting at the house on Friday nights at a time to suit the majority, I will be looking for volunteers to carry out certain duties i.e. arrange events etc.

I have still received very little feed back on the subjects I mentioned below, ( does anyone actually read this site), please let us have a bit more interaction, it takes more than a little work to maintain this site and I would like it to be used more, if for nothing else than to show your appreciation.

Please Welcome new member, Gary, who has very kindly contributed some Maps to the guild to enable us to organize guild hunts and to bolster funds, now all we want is for someone to organize them???

As you can see I have added a couple of new pages, lets get them filled up.

 As you can see, I have redone the site, hopefully, it will be all things to all men.

The communications between us seems to be somewhat lacking, the forum has not had much new stuff on it for a while, maybe someone can come up with ideas to improve this, (with that in mind please reply to this on the forum), I know this type of guild is usually fragmented so we will not see each other every day, what is the opinion regarding having a meeting at the house say once a week? Or maybe a guild treasure hunt

The guild funds are at a very low lvl, atm, could we have some form of funding for buying maps for guild hunts etc, suggestions please.

The chests on the downstairs lvl in the house are not public property, also although the runes, books etc are for your use, please do not move rename them etc

I would like some feed back on members being hired, have you been hire yet? if so let me know.